5 years 0 Assonta 18
5 years 0 Assonta 18
Opinion Polls

I had 1 they show up from time to time

5 years 0 Assonta 18
How to know how many points or what level I'm at?

On the Main Page beneath your name called Reputation Rank also in the app.

5 years (Edited 5 years) 0 Assonta 18
From Texas. - New & I?m so sad about this.

JDFREE @ Feb 2, 2019 3:33:58 PM

My score is -50.?I just started!?I shopped Jose instead of Shirley on first project.?I?m discouraged a bit.?Any words of wisdom for me?

Don't worry, you will be fine. Daily check your assigned shops. If you are ever unsure about any shop notify your MSP, trust me they want you to succeed and enjoy working for ISS. Welcome! Sit back and enjoy the ride.

5 years 0 Assonta 18
360 payment

Hi all we get paid on 2/22 and 3/5. So whatever shops you completed before 2/22 will be paid on 2/22. Whatever shops you've completed after 2/22 will be applied to 3/5 pay.

Go to payments and you will see the total amounts you were paid for each shops. Overtime you make you shop the total adds up including reimbursements and bonuses. Hope this helps!

5 years (Edited 5 years) 0 Assonta 18
Assigned shops

Danielle_15496446289026 @ Feb 11, 2019 3:32:23 PM

Hey there,

So Im new to this and have a question.

I have an assigned shop that I assigned for 2/17/19. I'd like to do it earlier if possible but don't want to get negative points if I cancel and reschedule plus the shop is not showing as an available shop anymore.






Hi Dani,

Reach out to your MSP she will be able to assist you with rescheduling. Sometime there is a button for rescheduling and if you click on that check your calendar to see which day you prefer and commit to that day. All of that doesn't count against you. Only if you cancel shops or don't complete them, then it counts against you. Always reach out to your MSP.

5 years (Edited 5 years) 0 Assonta 18

VONDELE @ Oct 1, 2018 7:18:49 PM

So I am truly convinced that I am not ever ever ever getting paid for this shop. I was to sound really sad, not in tears, but super sad that a relative passed and he only has 24 hours to live according to doctors.

Everything went smooth on my part (almost) and especially the funeral director's part.

So now he is really showing empathy and asked me if i'm ever in town, would i like a tour of the home. I said yes i would. He said tell me when will you be in town and i said in 2 WEEKS... LIKE REALLY????!!!!... 2 WEEKS? LOLOLOLOL... MY LOVED ONE ONLY HAS 24 HOURS BUT I WILL BE THERE IN 2 WEEKS? He did not even skip a beat with this one. He found it necessary to remind me that my uncle only has 24 hours and i changed and said 1 week... REALLY???? , so he decides to make a suggestion since i was totally confused. He said that when the time comes for my uncle's passing, they will contact the funeral home in my area and have him transferred.


Hi Vondele,

Don't worry always reach out to your MSP he/she will work on your scheduling and they are very flexible. If you're shopping funeral homes do it as it's just a business no strings attached. Follow the guidelines and you should be good. Remember don't leave any money on the table.

5 years (Edited 5 years) +1 Assonta 18
Missing payment

David_15157399294557 @ Jun 17, 2018 7:04:26 PM

I have shopped for several different companies over the years. I was very impressed with an e-mailed that I recently received from ISS. ISS contacted me and said that according to their records I have not received payment for a shop that I completed two months ago. I thought that I kept meticulous records but when I checked I found that payment had not been made. I have since contacted the MSP in question to resolve this matter.

Thank you ISS!

Dave K.

Yes David, ISS is great in tracking payments when you go to payment history and you also receive an email such as:

Thank you ,

Your ISecretShop assignment # - name of shop has been submitted and will be reviewed by Intouch Insight.

Please note that it can take between 3 to 5 business days for your assignment to be reviewed and approved.

Ensure to retain all documentation related to this shop for a period of 12 months in the event that we have further questions.

The following is a link to the invoice you have submitted:

Submitted Invoice


The Intouch Insight Team

This e-mail has been sent via the ISecretShop system and generated on behalf of your dedicated Intouch Insight Scheduler

Maureen_15445042376654 @ Dec 20, 2018 3:41:14 PM

Hi, I am pretty new here, where do you get the ISS spreadsheet? I have checked the website and can't find anything.

Hi Maureen,

Go to payments and review the history, It is also wise to keep track of your payments, reimbursements and bonuses.

India_15423422221854 @ Dec 6, 2018 12:53:35 AM

I mostly deal with ISS and I love them! They actually have scheduled paydays, every 2nd Friday, so you know when you're going to get paid for the jobs you do for them. I wish they had more jobs around where I live. I only get jobs from 2 companies...ISS and Scheduler at 360 and you have NO idea at all when you're going to get paid back by them... somewhere around a month, and the jobs they have usually involves putting out a decent amount of $$$

India ISS always send an email for all shops and check your payment history. If there's a discrepancy, reach out to the scheduler or MSP and they will take care of all discrepancies.

5 years (Edited 5 years) 0 Assonta 18
Web and Phone Shops tips and tricks

Ivan @ Dec 27, 2017 4:21:05 PM

Self assigning and requesting a shop are basically done the exact same way - requesting only has that one extra step where schedulers review and approve the request before the shop is assigned to you.

Once you log into iSecretShop, go to the "Available Shops" page, and browse the shops that are posted. When you see the one you are interested in, you click "View Details" and it will open a pop-up window with all the information on the shop. Then, you can either self-assign that shop, or click "Request shop" to submit a request for a specific date. The schedulers are frequently reviewing these requests, so it should be approved soon.

Once you have a shop assigned to you, you can always view it on the "Assigned Shops" page - there you can see all shops you have assigned, and can click "Complete Shop" on any of them to see the full shop information, the shop instructions, the questions, or/and fill out the shop report.

In case of web/telephone shops, it's the same as any other shop - you can request or self assign them for a specific date (although usually those have to be requested, since there is A LOT of interest in them), and on that date, you do the shop and submit the report.

The simplest and fastest scenario would be that, for example, you self-assign a telephone/web shop today, and pick today's date when self-assigning it, so you can immediately just do the shop and then immediately just complete the report. 15-20 minutes effort and you're done. :)

A much more realistic scenario is that you'll be seeing those shops posted on Monday or Tuesday for the following week, not the current one, and they might only be able to be requested, not self-assigned. So within a day or two, you and 20-30 other shoppers will submit your requests for them, and the schedulers will pick the appropriate ones and approve, and if the shop is assigned to you, you would have to wait for the scheduled date on the following week to do the shop and submit the report. Still the same amount of time and effort, but a lot of waiting involved. :)

Thanks for sharing Ivan

5 years (Edited 5 years) +1 Assonta 18
Badge Problem

Dawn_15212588682316 @ Jun 16, 2018 2:53:18 PM

Okay - I admit - I love getting new badges! Bottom line, can someone please show me what a "Quality Rank 100" badge looks like? Here's why:

I get an email telling me that I received a new "Quality Rank 100" Badge so I'm all excited! But the email came over in Code (gibberish numbers/words) & the picture of the new badge did not come through. The picture also was not showing up on iSS (AND it took away my old Quality Rank 5 badge on iSS). I also tried to look at iSS on a Windows PC & my iPhone but the Badge still wasn't showing on iSS. I also looked at the email via webmail, iPhone & Outlook & still no picture on that either. All of that told me that the problem probably wasn't on my end so I contacted iSS (they are great & awesome!) and they said:

The Quality Rank 100 email was an error in how the Quality badge was displaying.?When I recalculated the badges it resolved the issue.?

So, now after it was recalculated, I am showing my OLD "Quality Rank 5" Badge again. So before I bug iSS again, I thought I would ask if someone can show me this new badge (so I can see what it looks like) and explain why this happened & what should I do? I know this may sounds silly, but I worked hard for this & it takes so long to get moved up on badges. So, I want to make sure that my account is accurately reflecting what I have earned to date based on the shops that I have done.


You go Dawn! Just reach out to the MSP and he/she will take care of it.