4 years (Edited 4 years) 0 Michele_15032031952719 383
Not seeing any shops

What kind of shops do you normally see?

What kind of shops do you normally see?

4 years (Edited 4 years) 0 Michele_15032031952719 383

II would like to try the buffet at Jackson Rancheria.

II would like to try the buffet at Jackson Rancheria.

4 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 383
Restaurant shop

You mean detected right?

4 years +1 Michele_15032031952719 383

maybe they have a lot of shoppers who live nearby who can easily do it. Don't know if it's common though.

4 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 383
ABM Valet or NWLPC MSP rejected work

Which of your badges disappeared?

4 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 383
I like food shops that give reimbursement.

II agree. I like the Asian Box a lot. Some places you don't necessarily want to take public transit at night, though.

4 years (Edited 4 years) 0 Michele_15032031952719 383
What is a "Bar Loss Evaluation"

It seems they want to make sure you don't get more than you paid for.

It seems they want to make sure you don't get more than you paid for.

4 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 383
Self assign number and requesting option

II have a limit of three. I thought that was pretty good.

4 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 383
Help! How do I use this site?

You can enter your zip code to find what shops are available in the vicinity. Debbie_15679789514724 @ Sep 8, 2019 9:53:35 PM
I am new to this site as well as Mystery Shopping. I also am Canadian and wondering what to do and where to start to find jobs? Thanks in advance for any help you are able to provide to me.

4 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 383
I like food shops that give reimbursement.

I figure it is so they can be assured about theoretic bench at different times of the day. Colette @ Jan 15, 2020 6:03:58 PM
Is it possible that some shops are done at night so that the management / staff would not suspect a Mystery shopper?
This was my thought.