2 years +3 Cheri_16626983467542 14
Reputation Rank

Any suggestions on how I can move level?s more quickly? I?ve been stuck at level 2 and can?t seem to do anything to change my level. I get denied for shops Al other time, but I can?t level up unless I can get different shops. Any advice for me?

2 years 0 Cheri_16626983467542 14
iSS Prep Courses

Hi Corin, I am still trying to find the answer. Have you found anything? I submitted a ticket and asked if they could assist with my question. I will let you know what the response is. I don't understand how to earn badges. I get you to have to complete different shops but if you get denied when requesting to shop I don't understand how to obtain new badges.

2 years +8 Cheri_16626983467542 14
Forum Contributor badge?

Hi Susan,

did you ever learn how to earn more badges? I have not found anyone to answer or give directions yet.