1 year (Edited 1 year) 0 Molly_16863860983314 2
"New Auditor Certification Session"

Yes I took that certification course and I was given the info on how to access it after I requested the scanning assignment from the isecretshop new assignments postings. The scans assignments are posted on Wednesdays a few weeks out. So I requested the assignment and received information about the certification course because you have to complete that before a request for the assignment is approved.

Hope that helps!

1 year +3 Molly_16863860983314 2
Scout shopper

hi guys. To answer the question about becoming scout certified--this is my experience. I requested one of the shopping scout jobs to do the scans in my area--it came up in my available shops. After making the request I was contacted by an MSP with into about the certification course. I signed up, it took about an hour total, and then I was assigned a job. I've done 6 now and they get MUCH easier as I get more experience. I'll be honest, the first one was brutal. But the one I completed this week was sort of a breeze--that was my 6th. So be prepared to put in the time and not give up during the first assignment. There's no other way for it to get easier than to get several weeks under your belt. If you like doing that kind of work--sort of monotonous but very straightforward, the pay is good and the MSPs are super supportive.