1 year (Edited 1 year) +3 Jessie_16922373739645 4
making money

I made $154 this pay period (in 2 weeks) I ensure I check for shops anytime I am travelling. There is almost never shops where I live. life time earnings of $1,316.23

1 year +3 Jessie_16922373739645 4
New Shopper Tips?PLEASE

you can change the search criteria for the area and even time. this weekend I went from Drumheller to Cold Lake and made over $100. I set the distance and 2 day time, then mapped my route to hit as many as possible.

1 year 0 Jessie_16922373739645 4
Where are the shopping scout jobs?

Jason_16632342471175 @ Sep 1, 2023, 10:49:30 PM
I haven?t seen any jobs posted for Costco in almost a month. I am in Southern CA. Is anyone else experiencing a stoppage in their areas? I really hope they come back.

Try Field Agent

10 months +2 Jessie_16922373739645 4
Storage Audits for Cirrus - Don't Do Them

Awesome you are putting the word out. Thanks!