1 year 0 Kiunga 8
New to mystery shop

I am looking forward to completing shops, the ones available does not interest me, will there be other opportunities offered if I do not accept the two offered?

1 year 0 Kiunga 8
Shopping Scout Certificate (or other certificates)

Hello, how and where do you take the self guided process?

1 year 0 Kiunga 8
1 year +1 Kiunga 8
App issues

I completed a shop but was having issues ending a finalizing the shop. I made the deadline but kept getting error messages.

1 year +1 Kiunga 8
Looking for help from someone who's experienced

Achievement Badges are earned for a variety of accomplishments, including successfully completing evaluations of specific types (e.g. Audits, Recorded Telephone, etc.) and in certain Industry Categories (e.g. Retail, Fine Dining, etc.) as well as for things like Evaluator reliability, Grammatical proficiency, length of time in the system, responding to Opinion Polls, and a whole lot more.

As you complete more assignments in designated categories, you begin ranking up accordingly. MSP's can see your achievements, and factor them into their scheduling decisions. In addition, some projects require evaluators to have experience in certain areas and your badge level can determine if you are able to get a project, or self-assign it (instead of requesting it) etc.

Hope this helps!

1 year +2 Kiunga 8
New Shopper Tips?PLEASE

Hello everyone! Are there any tips and tricks or simple things I can do to get more shops. Are there any certifications, devices or things in general I can do to get different catergories of shops beside retail and web? I know that asking this quetions probably is silly being that we are all trying to get the same shops on a first come firtst serve bases.Quite competive in only words. I've enjoyed retail so much but I am interested in other shops opportunities such as hotel stays, traveling, everything. I live in a small town so there aren't many thing here but I can see myself traveling. I noticed I only receive retail and web and phone.

1 year +1 Kiunga 8

Enter the Badges into the search bar at the top of the forum page and some information will populate on how to earn badges

1 year 0 Kiunga 8

I recently signed up to take the certification class, only to find out that you hae to have a costco to attend. Are there any other scan opportunities available such as Sams, CVS, RiteAid? I have seen scan jobs available other than Costco's at convience stores in my area,.It also stated that if you were more late 5 minutes late then you would not be allowed access. I thought there would be and email sent with a link to the zoom meeting, but i did not receive one. So I ahd to search in the forum. By that time it was well over 5 minutes. Can someone explan howto get ceritfied, with having a Costco card, please?