1 year +1 Jennifer_15143837423665 3
New Here!

Welcome! The biggest pointer I can give is to be thorough with your shops. Make sure you know what is required before starting the shop and provide as much valuable insight as you can in your reports. Also - have fun and post any questions you have.

1 year (Edited 1 year) 0 Jennifer_15143837423665 3
Phone shops

Hi John.It's great to have you here!

Each of the phone shops have their own requirements and instructions, but they're a great way to do some mystery shopping without any in-person requirements. My advice is to review the details of a web or phone shop before requesting it. This will give you some insight into the exact requirements of that specific shop. Some web and phone shops may require particular actions to record the call while others might require some research and screenshots. Have fun! :)

1 year +1 Jennifer_15143837423665 3
Making up a complaint for a hotel visit

I haven't done a shop like the one you're doing, but I stay in a lot of hotels and find that the biggest issues I encounter are related to location (perhaps you don't like being next to the elevator or prefer to be closer to it), noise, cleanliness, hairdryer/coffee maker/etc. not working, heat/air conditioning issues.

If all else fails, I imagine "not being able to figure out the coffee maker" might count as a complaint and it's pretty benign while allowing the hotel to demonstrate how they might handle it.

Good luck :)