10 months 0 Megan_17106025473308 11
Video Mystery Shops

I have been wanting to sign up for video mystery shops, but I do not have a small hidden camera. Can anyone recommend which one they use? And which ones to stay away from? Thanks!

10 months 0 Megan_17106025473308 11
CIRRUS Not Paying

No, we don't submit invoices-they send them to us. I am still waiting for Cirrus to review an apartment shop from 3/4. I've done others since then that have been approved. I also have not been paid on any that I've done since the beginning of February. It says they are paid within 67 days of completion, which the invoice date is 2/13 so that should be tomorrow. Hoping I get paid on all of these!

10 months +1 Megan_17106025473308 11
CIRRUS Not Paying

I ended up emailing yesterday and got a response the same day. The person said that most of mine have already processed and should show in PayPal by midnight Wednesday. That's 71 days from the invoice date of my first one, which I think is the date it's processed/approved. I am not sure how many are going to be included with that PayPal payment, but I've done a lot in February, March, and beginning of April. So some will be over the 67 days and others under it if there's more than one.

10 months +1 Megan_17106025473308 11
Video Mystery Shops

Yikes yeah I was hoping to spend no more than $50-$100 on one. Definitely doesn't sound worth it since this isn't my full time job.

9 months +1 Megan_17106025473308 11
Apartment shop questions/can't finalize shop

The shop start and end time are when you go to the location. I feel like I had this error once before too and I had selected the wrong end date on accident.

8 months +1 Megan_17106025473308 11
Points system

I had something similar happen to me. I emailed the person that assigned me, or just the main email, and they were able to fix it for me.

4 months +2 Megan_17106025473308 11
Please Help?

All available web and phone shops will be there when you click on that part of the app. It just happened that those were the only ones available. Keep checking it often to see new shops.

You?d apply for whichever one you want to complete. Most of the time you can only do one for each company in a certain amount of time. Even though they look the same, the education ones are for different majors/programs.

Hope that helps!

4 months 0 Megan_17106025473308 11
Product Audit

Usually checking to see if products are available in store. They can be very time consuming if there are a lot of products to look for.

4 months +1 Megan_17106025473308 11
Please Help?

You're welcome :)

4 months +1 Megan_17106025473308 11
Comments Section

I will sometimes put if I'm available for multiple days since it only lets us select one day.