4 months +1 David_17264872282260 1
Has this happened to you???

Just wondering how many other people have had bad experiences with Insight InTouch?

I had done 5 shops for them all the same. 3 were approved, and 2 were NOT because of a change made to the "overview/guidlines". They made it more specific. However the way that scheduling manager has chosen to deal with it is very unprofessional and deflating

The change made to the overview is to even past overviews that had already been approved already. So when they pull up the guidlines the new guidlines are there

Wondering what my true options are as she won't acknowledge the change even thought I provided a screenshot to her of what the overview originally was when I took the assignment.???

They also won't reimburse me and are making the reimbursement dependant on the success of a shop they control the approval or not.

Any help and/or guidance would be appreciated!