7 years 0 Steve_15172679326373 7
How do you feel about this...

I made one big phone call related mistake once, checked the website but did not call the business as the job requested before I left. I called upon arriving in the area, phone just rang. I travelled to a seasonal area, the business was closed, sign on the door said they changed their hours and were only open on weekends. Website did not have the new hours, assigned IS was hoping I had documentation that I called before I left, that way I believe they could still bill the client. I did not. So, if in doubt call first, I would be careful if travelling to a non-peak location (winter at the shore, outside ice skating rink in the summer, ice cream shop when there is snow). I find that when inquiring with IS representatives they are very understanding.

7 years 0 Steve_15172679326373 7

Thanks, the Shop it app looks interesting. Had a little trouble finding it, searching in my Apple. It's 4.99 and the Title of the app is " Shop it Stealth Notes" I had to put "shop IT" in the search parameters to find it.

7 years 0 Steve_15172679326373 7
Fatherly banker

Thanks for sharing some of those like the Banker and Brownie were really funny. I like forums where they make you laugh out loud!

4 years (Edited 4 years) +3 Steve_15172679326373 7
You know, but you really don't know

My first assignments were really involved, and I had to evaluate 3 prospective locations. I had to set up appointments with each and present a scenario over the phone with each. I misread the instructions and I thought all three had to be completed in the same day. I made appointments at each place and the last place the HR person was really cagy on the phone, leaving me with, 'Well I look forward to talking with you about " ". When I arrived at the last location while waiting in an office, I was approached by the CEO, who kept asking me, "how's it going?" After the third time he asked me I found out he knew of me from a previous career. The HR person approached us, he said to the CEO, "do you know him?" The CEO said yes. The HR person while giving me all the information I needed, described how two other people from competitors?had tried to shop them, they really didn't know what they were doing, and she picked them out right away. She told me, " you can't be too careful in this business." She was right about that! I was up until midnight getting in all the reports before the end of the day. I put in a note that you may want to allow more time in the future. I got a call back the next day. They told me it was meant to be one a day, they couldn't believe I did all three in one day. My first lesson among many, pay attention to the details in the assignments.?

4 years 0 Steve_15172679326373 7
My report posted on the wall

Great story Jeff, thanks for sharing.

4 years 0 Steve_15172679326373 7
41 year old Geezers

Great story Bertice. It was a tough assignment, no takers, you showed them your moxy Betrice!??

4 years 0 Steve_15172679326373 7
Caught in a lie at my mystery shop

When I did these before I carried in a cell phone with a cracked screen.