My first assignments were really involved, and I had to evaluate 3 prospective locations. I had to set up appointments with each and present a scenario over the phone with each. I misread the instructions and I thought all three had to be completed in the same day. I made appointments at each place and the last place the HR person was really cagy on the phone, leaving me with, 'Well I look forward to talking with you about " ". When I arrived at the last location while waiting in an office, I was approached by the CEO, who kept asking me, "how's it going?" After the third time he asked me I found out he knew of me from a previous career. The HR person approached us, he said to the CEO, "do you know him?" The CEO said yes. The HR person while giving me all the information I needed, described how two other people from competitors?had tried to shop them, they really didn't know what they were doing, and she picked them out right away. She told me, " you can't be too careful in this business." She was right about that! I was up until midnight getting in all the reports before the end of the day. I put in a note that you may want to allow more time in the future. I got a call back the next day. They told me it was meant to be one a day, they couldn't believe I did all three in one day. My first lesson among many, pay attention to the details in the assignments.?
Most challenging one for me was touring a retirement home pre-covid of course. I still get a call monthly asking if my Mom wants to move in so my acting skills must of been great! :-)