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New Member Welcome Introduce yourself! Say ?Hello!? Meet and greet the secret shopping community and start building relationships and good rapport. 713 3068 Hey Candis_17360251062791
New to Secret Shopping New to secret shopping and field data collection? Returning after some time away? Looking for help, guidance, tips, best practices and a safe place to ask questions and learn from the experience of others? This is the place! 277 1693 prior to doing a phone shop Candis_17360251062791
Sometimes It Gets Silly Going undercover and evaluating things ?on the sly? results in some funny, scary, crazy and occasionally downright weird experiences. Share them here ? we love to laugh! 68 669 Restaurant Rebeat Shop Lisa_15082773336368
Accolades and Appreciation Complaining is easy ? taking the time to recognize the positive people and experiences they help create takes more effort ? and the appreciation means so much. If you have had a great experience with a company, a scheduler or editor ? or anyone else in th 36 400 Hotel Shops Sean_16411567673460

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