Job assignement that you need to speak french

7 years 0 Vincent_15194612091041 2

Well I live in Canada, Qu?bec ( french side) and when I do apply for a job, I am not able to get it because a window appear saying that i need to speak french ( what I do perfectly) mon fran?ais est tr?s bon... but yes i do have say yes to the question : do you speak french in extended profil . Sill not working can anyone help me with that?

7 years 0 Ivan 951

Hi Vincent,

When you login to iSecretShop, go to your "Update Extended Profile" page, and scroll down until you find the questions "Do you speak French?"

Mark "Yes" next to that question, and then click "Save Extended Profile" at the bottom of the page - that should fix the issue.

I hope this helps!

7 years 0 Vincent_15194612091041 2

II did that already, maybe i need to contact the compagnie

7 years 0 Ivan 951

Yes, if you tried it and it didn't work, open a support ticket for iSecretShop, to have it looked into.


6 years 0 FortheSMONEY 24

Who is evaluation the evaluators? When they need you they will email you back to back. When you need a reply to a pressing matter they don't get back to you for day. Any suggestions on rectifying this habitual practice?

6 years 0 Ivan 951

All editors (and schedulers) have their managers and superiors who review their work - unless they run the Mystery Shopping company and are doing the scheduling/editing themselves.

The most common cause of miscommunication with them is this - shoppers often reply directly to schedulers/editors, or attempt contacting them on their individual corporate mail (for example, from which they were previously contacted. This often works, however, schedulers and editors have various work schedules, vacations, medical leave, etc - they might not be around, and might not see your email in time.

The best way to minimize the chances of this happening is to use the primary company email for your inquiries, either as the main receipient of the email or under "CC" - for example, send your email to (or whatever their main contact email address is), or put that email in the CC when you are sending an email to This will ensure that the mail is sent to their common inbox, which is often monitored by multiple people, increasing the chances of getting a response in a timely manner.

If your question is urget and you don't get a response soon, you can also call the MSP at their main company phone number for shoppers.

This contact info is available anywhere on the payments tab for MSPs whose shops you've done, or in the emails that you receive as confirmation that the shop was assigned to you or approved, etc.

If you can't find that contact info, you can open a support ticket for iSecretShop to ask, and you'll be provided with the correct contact info.


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