Hi fellow shoppers!
I'd like to say there are brand new and easy mystery shopping opportunities available throughout the USA!
Are you are old enough to purchase tobacco in your state, and are 25 years of age or younger? Or know anyone within the age range who would be interested? If so, grab this shopping opportunity today! Get paid to help make a difference in the prevention of tobacco sales to minors!
Shop Details: Simply visit the specified retailer to attempt to make a purchase of a specific e-cigarette product and see if they ask for your ID. Then complete an incredibly quick and easy shop report. You will be reimbursed for your required purchase.
Shop pay: $8
Reimbursement: Up to $25
Location: Multiple available in NY, MA, CA, SC, and more, including WA, TX, AR, TN, RI, MD, MI, GA, FL, CT, KY - and you can pick up as many as you'd like!
If you are available and interested, you can log into the iSecretShop app or isecretshop.com and request the shops, or send an email to shops@ischedulingservice.com with a few dates you?re available to complete the shop(s) and get them assigned to you.
If you have any questions or need any assistance, send an email to shops@ischedulingservice.com and get all your questions answered!
I hope many of you size this awesome opportunity, and wish you a fantastic day!
Do you know how to get certified or qualified for airport badges? Also do you know how to apply for serveral agencies through one portal and not have to repeat your profile information each time?
I honestly do not know about the airport badges, but you may find some useful information on this thread: https://www.secretshopforum.com/thread/3/6/261/airport-badge#post1525
Can you let me know what are you referring to by "applying for different agencies"? Are you referring to MSPs? Thanks!