Weekly Points

7 years 0 Angela 3

I have noticed since the new update on my phone and computer I have no idea what my weekly points are anymore. It doesn't show my point at the top of screen. Is it located somewhere else that I am not familiar with? Can someone please help me find my points.

7 years +1 AndrewW 8

Hello and thank you for reaching out!

The points system has been replaced with the Badges and Rankings. There are still points, but they apply to specific badge advancement - and they range from everything to overall reputation, to specific industry experience and a lot more.

The points never were "weekly," rather they were (and continue to be) accrued in real time as certain actions occur (submitted shops approved, opinion poll questions answered, certifications passed, etc.).

The Leaderboards changed as well - they now update weekly, and they are at the State level instead of nationally, giving a lot more shoppers a chance to participate - and allowing newly-active shoppers to compete with (and beat) long-time power-shoppers, based on current performance.

We hope you like the changes - we spent a lot of time and energy trying to make the system more accessible to and more enjoyable for the shoppers.

Have a great day!

7 years 0 Cynthia_14997570164016 5

Hi Andrew, thank you for a great reply to the question, you answered one of mine as well. I do have another one for you regarding this. I was using the system before the changes and I do like what has been done! However, I have 3 certifications prior tho the update that do not show up. They are:

Bowlmor Group Sales Shopper Training

Mystery Shopping Fundamentals
iSS 101- Introduction to iSecretShop

Let me know if these are the one's you were talking about, thank you, Cindy

P.S. When does the self assigned limit change? I had an issue with one of my shops, she marked it as not completed and that was incorrect. It was reversed, but during that time my points became negative and my self assign limit came on. Should I have created a system ticket for this?

Thanks again

7 years 0 Jo 2

Hello to the shopper community.

I am new but starting to understand how to organize and complete successful shops. As a consumer I have had experiences where people have done well and I have wanted to let their employers know as well as those who could use a little more training.

Being a shopper has afforded me that voice.

If anyone has any tips on successful phone shops, I'm open to suggestions.

7 years 0 Angela 3

Thank you Andrew for your detailed response. It did answer my question. Im working on new badges now.

7 years 0 Kyle 1

I have been a mystery shopper for 6 years doing Apartment shops in Maryland and now for 4 years mystery shopping just about anyone and everything here in Eastern Washington State. This site is the first time I have seen the badges and reward system. I think it is great. Us, out in the field doing it sometimes don't really know if we are doing the job well or not and it can seem like a thankless job sometimes. The only time I felt any confidence completing shops was when in Maryland I was confused about how I was supposed write a narrative about an apartment complex I shopped so I decided to click on the example provided and the example was one of my old shops. Kind of a backward way to know you are doing okay, but it made me feel good.

7 years 0 Tony_15005330236437 1

I noticed the changes as well, but I rather see the point system for each shop I've completed. I don't see any changes with the badge system. I've done dozens of parking and I only have 3(?) reputation points. It doesn't show nearly the amount I've done.

Also, from a laptop, I can see the top weekly points person getting 400+ points. Why does only the top people show points???

7 years +1 Isabela 1

Hi there!

I've been making mystery shops for about three or four months now and the isecretshop website have been one where I am the most active comparing all the others companies.

I love the fact that they attribute points for our shops and are also very helpful in answering your questions.

I was wondering, though, if anyone knows where I could go on the website to see the history of my points to learn about what gave me points and also what took points away for me.

If anyone knows this information on how to find it, please do not hesitate on letting me know.

In the meantime I would like to wish you all a great Sunday and also very good luck on your future shops. Mystery shopping have been a great interpersonal experience that is absolutely helping me to grow in my communication skills. That is for sure.

I hope I hear back from any of you soon. Looking forward.


Isabela B. Braga

7 years 0 Terrie_15175015717417 3

The weekly leader board lists points next to the name. How are those points calculated? Is there a way to see how many points you have accumulated?

7 years 0 HeatherAnnie 54

I think you get 20 points per shop completed?

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