Declined shops

6 years 0 Lauren_14999556491444 16

I was declined for an assignment because the address?provided in the shoppers notes was invalid and I submitted the shop stating that the location did not exist.?Most of the locations for these assignments were?closed so I did not see it to be a problem.?I think I should have been compensated in some way because it was their error in providing me with the wrong address.?

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

Did you contact your scheduler before submitting the shop? When something goes sideways like that, ALWAYS contact the scheduler unless the shops guidelines tell you what you should do for such a situation.

6 years 0 Lauren_14999556491444 16

I did and nI was told to take a pic, upload and submit the assistment. However, it turns out that the wrong address was provided in the shop report (NOT MY FAULT) and I was then told I went to the wrong location and cannot be compensated.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

That is strange.

I've been given bad addresses once or twice. However, I've always been able to get it sorted out with the MSC. Technically, we are all supposed to confirm locations before we visit, but that's not always possible/reasonable, especially when on long routes - so I don't do that very often. When a location is unexpected closed, a "go fee" is very common - which usually amounts to 50% of the non-bonused fee.

The fact that you have word from the scheduler what to do suggests that you should be compensated. The only thing I can think of is that the MSC believes that you were, in fact, incorrect about the location and simply doesn't believe you - which is a whole different level of frustrating. Sorry - that just stinks.

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