Conflict with a specific company

Katherine _15796492238976
5 years +1 Katherine _15796492238976 2

Hi, I am wondering if anyone can help me with an issue I'm having with one of the companies. They have been rejecting my shops for no sensible reason, essentially no matter how much I write they come back with "not enough detail, not enough detail." My answers to their questions are accurate and much longer than the requested length. This has happened twice with the same MSP now. I have a good shopper score overall and have good relationships with all the other companies I've worked with. I think this one company is just taking advantage of the lack of recourse we have in this situation. Does anyone have any recourse for this?

Yes, I also posted this on the welcome forum, sorry for any confusion.

5 years +1 Ivan 951

Hi Katherine,

I would suggest asking the editors for more specific instructions on what exactly is needed - while it might take a while for editors to put together a big list of questions/inquiries they want answered, it's still the best to know exactly what information they're looking for, so you'd know exactly what to provide.

Most editors get paid by the shop they review, or by the hour but they have performance quotas they need to meet, so there's nothing in the world that an editor would rather do than just open a report, read it, and approve it right away with no changes - so, if they're sending it back, it's cause they have to.

It's not uncommon that a part of the asked question gets overlooked (due to the way a question was formulated, or the length and content of the question, or some specific client expectation) and when editors start sending the shop back and the shopper starts re-submitting it without providing that specific info, misunderstandings occur - shoppers think the editors are just being unreasonable, and editors think the shopper is ignoring them. The cure for this is just being aware of what exactly is required.

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