360 Intel: Fine Dining Shop

5 years +2 MFJohnston 388

A quick question for anybody familiar with 360 Intel's dining shops:

I've contacted the company, but it is Saturday evening on the East Coast, where they are located and my shop is scheduled for this evening, so I don't know if my question will be seen in the next two or three hours...

I just picked up fine dining assignment for this evening and the guidelines are clear that I need to make a reservation between 5PM and 8PM. Immediately after being assigned, I called to make a reservation and the only available time was right at 8:00 PM. My reading of the guidelines is that this is okay. However, I am not positive.

Does anybody here know if this will be acceptable?

5 years +2 DavidMS 6

This is my opinion only but I read between 5 and 8pm to include 8pm. Good luck!

4 years +2 Marni 4

My guess is it will be fine provided you explain that in your comments section. I once had a guideline to complete a shop in the dining room only, but on arrival only the lounge was open due to a staff Xmas party. I explained in my report that I did call as required before my visit and was not told the dining room was closed. There was no issue with my report and it was accepted.

4 years +1 MFJohnston 388

I ended up arriving early and getting a table at 7:45, so there was no issue. The MSC got back to me the next morning and said it would be fine..... I don't like to "guess" on these things as there are times when the MSC's contract with the client is clear that shops must be done between certain hours. As shoppers are not privy to the details of these contracts, it is necessary to get answers directly from the MSC.

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