Do not do the shop until the problem is remedied. If they are not on your assigned list, you are likely not to get paid.
Document what you can, screen shots of the dates you were assigned to do the shop and of you "declined' notice would be ideal. Basically, you want to show, from iSS screens, that the shops were canceled before you did them.
If you do have that, you can put in a ticket with the iSS help desk - and they can fix your "points." They are pretty responsive to technical issues with the site. ... Then, send that same information to the scheduler and ask to re-schedule.
Hi Crystal,
If the problem was technical in nature, the iSS team will resolve it and restore your points. However, this is very unlikely - without knowing any other details, I'd say that the most likely reason was either a misunderstanding on the due date of some sorts, or that the shops were canceled as not needed but they forgot to restore your points and send you an explanation, or something of that sort. You should definitely keep trying to reach the MSP responsible for the shop - even if one scheduler is not available, there are likely others who can assist you.
Keep us posted!