Shop review pending for over a month?

1 year (Edited 1 year) 0 Sol1234 2

I completed a shop on June 23, and the shop is still pending with status saying "in review". I contacted the scheduler a few times, and initially s/he said it will be reviewed, but now s/he doesn't even respond. It's going into the 7th week and I'm feeling like I will never get paid for the work. Is there anything else I can do besides just wait and send another email to the scheduler?

1 year +1 Jordan_16595014057361 4

I would email the scheduler again, and you might want to put in a ticket with iSS. There's a place where you can add files; you can add screenshots of your emails showing your attempts to contact the scheduler.

1 year 0 Sol1234 2

Thank you for the tip! I'll do this.

1 year +1 Joyce_16211953647696 1

Is there a place I can see my shops not yet approved? I completed shops but they aren’t showing up on my payment page. If rejected, where can I see those?

1 year +2 Jordan_16595014057361 4

Yes! On the Payments screen to the right, there is a dropdown menu that says "paid". Use that to select "pending," which will show all completed shops that are pending payment.

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