
7 years 0 Michael_15168417357506 1

I can't find the information...but do we receive anything for W2 purposes from isecretshop? Thanks

7 years +1 Ivan 951


iSecretShop is only a software company that serves as a job board for shops - iSecretShop does not post shops nor pay shoppers, so any documentation received would have to come directly from the MSPs that you did shops for. So, in short - no, I don't think so :)

7 years 0 Jessica_15203776917897 2

Ivan is correct. You'll recieve it directly from the company who is paying you. Usually they email you asking where to send the paper copy and if you would like a PDF version as well.

6 years 0 Douglas_14999893362629 4

Being an independent contractor you may be required to fill out a W-9?(a W-2 is if you are an actual employee).?I also suggest you apply for an EIN number and use that in place of your social security number. It is free and available through the IRS website.

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