Just wanting to know

Poll ends: 2 years Poll: Who wants to do this full time with no other job?

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0 Couldn't dream of it
Jennifer _16327204426937
2 years (Edited 2 years) +1 Jennifer _16327204426937 2

Wondering how do we excel at secret shopping? When and how do we maximize the amount of money we can bring in? The secret part is what fascinates me. Like we are spies trying to gauge the good ones from the bad. I want to be the best so I need advice from the best. What do you have for me? I am all ears.

Thank you for your input

2 years +1 Vicky_15157758552519 8

When you aren't working, go into the stores/restaurants/Gas stations just to listen for how customers are treated at the checkout. Our client questionnaires will include expectations that are not easy to perceive in just one visit.

You know those daily schedules you had in high school? Make one for yourself every few weeks. Add to it while you're living it!

I keep a file of previous schedules which I made for specific cities.

2 years (Edited 2 years) +1 Chanteksawahe 4

I usually try to plan the same type of shops in one day, then ill use a circuit rout planner and plan my trip, and take the following day to finish all the reports up, when i get better i hope to finish all the reports by midnight, An for you are home doing the paper work you should had scheduled a few phone shops or shops they might need the phone first to set the rest of the shop up

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