Membership club scan question- I'm new!

5 months +1 COLEEN_17228649472301 1

Hello! I am new to secret shopping so please explain - With the membership shops that require 1900 sku scans, how do you stay undercover and remain in the store for that length of time (I assume it takes at least a few hours) without being questioned??

Any assistance you can provide on this type of shop is greatly appreciated.

5 months 0 Michael_16969536814904 2

All of that information is covered in the certification process, but the shop can be done over the course of a few days, and does not all need to be done at once, so it can be broken up between those days.

5 months 0 Cindy_17236731003229 1

The store doesn?t usually pay attention, at least not in my experience.

3 months 0 AdamW 30

It's a lot of work. I did it once and never again. Worked out to be like $15 an hour. Could have made more doing other shops. It took me 8 hours.

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