Shops sent back for revision, no revision needed

5 years 0 Michael_15527186436033 27

I was just wondering if any of you have had shops sent back for revision only to have to send them back with no revision? I was wondering because I have had a couple of shops from this week be sent back to me over answers that the store employee gave. I did end up put that in my report but I don't have a good feeling though. The other shop I could even do because there was not any store employee available and I did wait a reasonable amount of time and there still wasn't anyone available with no signs of improvement. The shops are the collecting price information for Intouch Insight.

Any thoughts?

5 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 383

Usually if you have a good explanation why you couldnt do it with an employee it's good to go.

5 years +1 azlilis 3

If the report is broken into sections and has a comment box for each section, explain it in that comment box rather than at the end. I edit for a company, and the editors are the only ones that see those comments at the end, it doesn't make it back to the client. Otherwise, if something gets sent back and you're not able to fix it, or if it's information given to you by the employee, just explain that in detail.

5 years +1 Tara_NJ 178

Also make sure you're completing those on a desktop computer otherwise you might be missing info and /or inputting info not needed. The report you fill out for that particular shop updated as soon as you select the exact products you called for pricing on. It's a little quirky at first until you get the hang of it. They're super easy. The best advice I can give you is to always read the entire shop guidelines and instructions before starting.

5 years +1 Michael_15527186436033 27

The whole situation was weird. I think the MSP thought I had made a mistake even though I had not. I did get paid for one of the shops. I wasn't paid for the other shop because I was unable to do it due to time constraints because their wasn't any employee to help me in a reasonable time period which I explained to the MSP.

5 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 383

So you couldn't put the employee didn't help ?

4 years +1 Michael_15527186436033 27

I had put in the fact that I had waited behind a customer that had a big order and that there were other customers waiting in line too. I put this information in my report and it got rejected even though I was there but was not able to do it since this location had only one employee for the printing section which is where I was to collect some pricing information.

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