1099 Forms

5 years 0 Dori 2

Last year was my first year doing mystery shopping. When/how do we get a 1099 form for filing 2019 taxes? Thank you.

5 years 0 MFJohnston 388

You should get a 1099 in either U.S. mail or email (for online access) for every MSC from which you have earned $600 or more. However, some MSC's, especially some of the smaller ones, sometimes struggle with this. I have received most of mine already. Note that iSS (i Secret Shop) is NOT such an MSC - it is a platform that allows MSC's and shoppers to hook up. If you do not receive all your 1099's, you'll still be fine to do your taxes without them - so long as you have good enough records that you report at least as much income as was reported by MSC's to the IRS.

5 years 0 Dori 2

Great, thank you so much for the great answer! Helps a lot.

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