Etienne @ Aug 4, 2017 1:05:26 AM
Yep, I get that, I just had a phone survey refused because I didn't talk to the person they wanted in the store. How am I supposed to know that the one answering the phone will not answer in the way they wanted? Am I not supposed to act as a real customer? A customer will not ask for the "cremation director" when calling a funeral home, right?
I don't think so either,unless the person has more than 1 job there, LOL
Debby @ May 9, 2018 11:26:04 PM
I'm new again.?I used to try this before but every time I check my email and go in to get an assignment, it always tells me that there is none available.?Feeling rather defeated as I go in the same day and sometimes shortly after receiving email. I would appreciate some assistance.?Thanks in advance.?I gave up before for the same reason so.....
That happens tome too!They mustbe pretty popular
Photos are flagged to check time on them.The time is automatic from my device.There is no way they can be incorrect.
Okay I got it finalized after all.I had accidentally put PM for the start time.But the site said nothing about the start time appearing to be after the end time.Maybe iSecretShop can take some pointers from
Pretending you had the wrong company is a good answer.
Pretending you had the wrong company is a good answer.
I wonder why the closed one was still listed.maybe the requester wanted to make sure it stayed that way?
I guess you could also say that you need an apartment closer to your work because you commute.
You could try using the computers at the library if time permits.Then you don't have to know anything about the computers--notmuch anyway.