Double standard

Poll ends: 6 years Poll: Have you experienced this apparent double standard?

Select 1 answer:

0 Yes and it burns my butt.
0 I have not run into this before
0 No, it does not bother me in the least.
7 years 0 Ivan 951

That's a very nice and healthy attitude to have David! :)

7 years 0 Briana_15180242036923 1

I've hardly done any mystery shopping, but if I see a description with a bunch of errors, I generally don't accept it. My sister does mystery shopping, and doesn't want me doing it, too. I really feel that this is none of her business. I would be riding my adult trike anyway, not going with her. What does it matter?

7 years 0 Ivan 951

Well, one of the nice things about mystery shopping on iSS is that just about anybody can do it if they choose to!

The only thing to keep in mind when being part of a household where several people are doing mystery shopping, is that you should only ever use your own profile for doing shops, and play fair! :)

7 years +1 HeatherAnnie 54

My sister is actually the one who first referred me into mystery shopping. She hasn't done it for years now. I got my partner into it several months ago, and I'm helping one of my friends get set up this week. There are plenty of assignments to go around! :)

6 years 0 Ivan 951

That is so great to hear!

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

I haven't seen many grammatical errors in the directions on iSS. However, I have some pretty extreme blunders for a couple of other companies that use different platforms - sometimes to the point that guidelines are very difficult to comprehend. I tend not to worry about it much, but, when I get a comment from the editors of the MSC with error-ridden guidelines that I had grammar errors, I tend to raise my eyebrows a bit. But, as long as they pay me, I figure it's not my business. They can do with my report what they wish once I pass it on to them.

6 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 383

I would hate to do ones that I couldnt fully understand.

6 years 0 Norm 191

Someone somewhere is going to make a typo sometime. Anytime that you see it in a shop instructions, list, or anything else it's always the best good idea to report it to the MSP, or even to ISS if it's appropriate. Another wisdom bit on the forum. Enjoy

6 years (Edited 6 years) 0 Rose_15109534788796 9

Okay just recently I was called up to fix my report, couldn?t understand it, I had. Read and reread everything as always. Turns out what I think is happening because it was happening then is when I would hit submit all the words would change around. I don?t know. This was on gigspot.

Still no excuse for the errors I see come out of these people that give us jobs. Really doesn?t bother me that much, I mean just because they do it, doesn?t mean I have to sink to their level or even get offended by it. It just doesn?t matter to some people what kind of a job they do. Don?t we all have bigger stuff to worry about?

Okay just recently I was called up to fix my report, couldn?t understand it, I had. Read and reread everything as always. Turns out what I think is happening because it was happening then is when I would hit submit all the words would change around. I don?t know. This was on gigspot.

Still no excuse for the errors I see come out of these people that give us jobs. Really doesn?t bother me that much, I mean just because they do it, doesn?t mean I have to sink to their level or even get offended by it. It just doesn?t matter to some people what kind of a job they do. Don?t we all have bigger stuff to worry about?

6 years 0 Bunny 4

Yes I see this on your thread. Are you using a tablet?

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