Hello from Manitoba!
Carrie _16354673172661 @ Oct 29, 2021, 12:33:18 AM
I am new as of today. I am in Halifax NS.
does anyone know where the agreements you digitally sign up for go? I think I agreed to one that has a fee. Yikes. Thanks
I signed all of them blindly. I don't remember seeing a fee taken off of any of my shops. Maybe they charge only if you use them?
I don't think very many of these companies do Canada anyway. I've only ever dealt with one company here in Manitoba.
Russell_In_Canada @ Nov 19, 2020, 10:51:33 PM
I have a company I have done a number of shops for and they are asking me to do a route of 30+ shops. The problem is the shops themselves only pay $5 each, but they are spread out in remote communities that would take a 4 hour round trip drive to complete. The scheduler said she will consider mileage but is asking me what I think is reasonable I DON'T KNOW! This MSC has been good to me so i don't want to scare them away by being greedy. Anyone (ideally in Eastern Canada) have any experience with this and can suggest a 'reasonable' mileage rate?
I know this question was over a year ago but I'm new to the forum. How could you do 30 shops in one trip? The most I've ever done was 10, with about 8 hours driving and 5 hours of shopping, prepping and writing. BTW- I predetermined how much gas would cost plus my time spent driving, then let my scheduler know. She can usually add enough good bonuses onto some of the shops to make the trip earning worthwhile. I usually go for 5 hours round trip max.
All of the shops I've done have been approved with a couple of days and I've payed every 2 weeks. There is no difference what type of shop I do.
You are overthinking this. Fill out all the information that is asked of you. They know what they are doing. Do the shops and everything else will be self apparent when you need it to be.
How do you assign a shop without a date? I can't do that?
You need to be certain that you can do the shop within the timeframe that was originally posted. Just to be safe, you should probably aim for a day in the middle of the posted time frame, that way you can move it up or down a day if you need to. Anything you can't do in the system, you should talk to the scheduler about. They have more information about what can be done and might be able to override any penalties that would occur if you mess it up.
All of the information is there before you accept the shop; where, when, how long it should take, how much reimbursement they provide and how much compensation theyll pay, also if there is a bonus attached. Read the whole thing before you accept.
Everyone starts with a self assignment limit of 2 at a time. You can do more assignments by picking assignments that you can do immediately, thus clearing them off then picking more. As you prove yourself, they'll allow you to juggle more. You can also talk to a scheduler about picking up extra shops. The best way to get more is by doing the ones no one wants.
Russell_In_Canada @ Nov 21, 2021, 3:55:51 PM
ov @ Nov 21, 2021, 3:27:19 PM
I know this question was over a year ago but I'm new to the forum. How could you do 30 shops in one trip? The most I've ever done was 10, with about 8 hours driving and 5 hours of shopping, prepping and writing. BTW- I predetermined how much gas would cost plus my time spent driving, then let my scheduler know. She can usually add enough good bonuses onto some of the shops to make the trip earning worthwhile. I usually go for 5 hours round trip max.
These particular shops took no more than 5 minutes at each location, and the report was via smartphone app that took another 10 minutes at most. Most of the day is spent traveling between shops. I did negotiate a mileage rate of I think it was 45 cents per km (plus I added on extra for my travel time), but our gas prices have since climbed to $1.60 / litre so this would not even come close anymore. Until gas prices drop again, I am not doing any routes unless it is very worth my while.
$1.60! Where do you live; Iqaluit?
The 45?/km, was that over and above the regular compensation or total plus extra for travel time?
My scheduler is the best. But I have to say, some of the proofers can be condescending. It's rare that they will admit that they made a mistake.
Even though the pay is low, I like Canadian Tire Dynamic reviews. They're revealed, which I like, and the managers are so happy to show of what they've done.
The worst was McDonald's delivery!
This is the only shop I ever gave up on.
When I was nearing 100 SCREENSHOTS of, among the landing page and various miscellaneous pages that I swear are only there to F#$% with you, each menu page which shows drinks (that must be overlapping), the individual drink options on the beverage menus (hot, cold and frozen) including each size, with prices; I started thinking about how I must THEN, before loading them individually (and not in order as they appear) on a long and redundant form that times-out every 30 mins (if you don't remember to hit enter, then re-enter the survey every 20-25 mins, you have to start again) enter each drink, choosing from long lists of drinks that aren't necessarily available in your region and are categorized differently from the menus you observed; THEN in the next section, price them out (that means look through the thumbnails to find and blow up each pic so you can read the prices); I got an instant headache, deleted the photos and unassigned the shop.
Oh before all that, the shop starts with a survey of who you are and what your experience was.
The survey must be completed that same day (not 24 hours) or the system removes it. Also mistakes get the shop declined, not incomplete, DECLINED.
Jeanette_15926890937498 @ Jun 30, 2022, 8:28:47 PMI have worked for them for years but will never take another assignment. They can't admit when their directions are unclear.
There were two jobs on ISS platform that said XX any. One was for pickup and the other was for delivery. The jobs said they could be done anywhere within a few states. There are only 2 locations in my state and didn't even know it was a physical store rather than just a delivery app. How can you get food delivered to your house from 500 miles away? The job should be limited to the zip codes they store is in rather than the entire state if they want the store shopped.
I stated that if it had said XX (any XX), it would have been clear. The company said they aren't going to change anything because someone got it wrong.
Not once was company XX mentioned in the directions. They had screenshots of Panera and McD apps in the directions as examples to further suggest that it could be done at any restaurant or convenience store.
First, I did the pick-up and got approved. Then I did the delivery, and it was declined. When I contacted the company, they now declined the pick-up job. The proofer didn't even know they job wasn't done right. That at least makes two people that got it wrong.
I have done many jobs where a company wants market data and says go to any location. They don't pay much for feedback on how other apps work. These two jobs had zero pay and reimbursed $10 and $15. So, I'm out of pocket $25. The only reason I did these jobs for zero pay was because of the "any."
Thanks for sharing that. It's nice to hear that people are having good experiences but it's also good to know how things can go wrong.