2 years +1 Ali_shops 11
On the home page, what does the little red bell with a number on it mean?

Those are your "Alerts." In the app you can access them in the tab by the same title with a picture of a megaphone on it. I have noticed that they load slower on a PC than they do in the app but deleting in bulk is easier on the computer than the app. So maybe read them in app and clear the ones you don't want to keep next time you log in on the computer.

2 years 0 Ali_shops 11
Newbie but not able to accept any assignment

Have you filled out your profile and extended profile as completely as you're able? After that have you signed any/all of the MSP agreements? After you do all of that, you should see shops popping up IF there are any available in your area.

I'd also suggest looking at the map view instead of just the list and seeing if there are shops showing up outside of your currently set area. If they are close enough, you can request them, if not you can just keep an eye out for ones to pop up closer to you.


2 years +4 Ali_shops 11
How to access more detailed information of assignment expectations for open shop

Hey Jeannette!

If scroll all the way to the bottom of the shop summary the last line usually shows the specific scheduler email or contact information. You could try reaching out directly to them to see if you're able to obtain the additional detail that are generally listed after accepting a shop but I believe that information is considered somewhat confidential and withheld so only the shopper completing the assignment knows the expectations and requirements. That being said, they may not be inclined to provided the specifics of the shop.

Think of it like this; you are a secret shopper on the side and you see your everyday job pop up for a shop. You request the info from the scheduler then pass that along to the other employees with the expected date range. The company is then unable to get a true secret shop or audit completed.

This is a bit of an assumption but based on the training and contracts I've read through I believe this is at least part of why we get a basic description until assigned the shop. Never hurts to try though!

Good Luck!

2 years 0 Ali_shops 11
Can?t request shops

I would send an email to the scheduler listed in the shops you are trying to request to see if they will assign you or if there are any requirements you do not meet. They have all been quite prompt and friendly in my experience when I've needed to reach out. Also check that you have all of your required profile information filled out and MSP agreements signed for the company you are requesting the shop for.

Good luck!

2 years +1 Ali_shops 11
Probably a Dumb Question...

Hey Carl! Have you signed the MSP agreements for the company you are requesting the shops from? I'd start there. There are free certifications that are worth doing because you earn points which in turn boost your rating and show that you take this seriously. The free ones are fairly quick and you answer a few questions along the way. Certainly worth doing if you have some free time.

2 years +1 Ali_shops 11
Shop is complete---but photo is not I going to get pinged if I can't finalize till the next day?

Hi Carole, I see this was asked almost two weeks ago but wanted to answer just in case anyone else encounters the same issue. The best suggestion for ANY issues you encounter when performing or submitting a shop is going to be to contact the scheduler. Their email is listed in the shop description and when you initially request the assignment. You can also reach out via the isecretshop website or app but I'd imagine emailing is going to be more direct and potentially a quicker response.

I'm curious what happened in your situation this time, were you able to submit on time or get it resolved?

Best of luck Shoppers!

2 years +1 Ali_shops 11
Well...My Triumphant Return to Mystery Shopping Has Had a Few Setbacks....

I'm so paranoid about doing these exact same things. I triple check addresses, especially when I'm shopping multiple locations in the same day or with the same name and I STILL don't always trust myself that I'm at the right one when I arrive. I'm sorry it happened to you but I've gotta say, I'm relived that its not just an unfounded paranoia in my mind and it does happen.

2 years 0 Ali_shops 11
New to shopping secretly

Hi Tiffany! Welcome to Secret Shopping!

I'd start by working through the ISS Prep Certifications at the top of your homepage. After you've worked your way through those I think you'll have a pretty good grip on how ISS works. Then you'll want to go through the MSP Agreements, read the contracts and sign the ones you agree to. This will open up shops to you! When you are looking for shops, check nearby home and set different mileage you're willing to travel for a shop. If you're travelling and willing to shop while on your trip, check the area you'll be in as well. Read the shop description carefully before accepting or requesting a date and stick to the date you request. If for any reason you cannot complete a shop on the scheduled date, contact the scheduler immediately. You can find scheduler information in the shop description or the message you're sent confirming your assignment. If you ever have any questions, pop in here and post them! Anything time sensitive should go through the scheduler though.

Good Luck!


2 years +1 Ali_shops 11
Funeral Phone Shops

You would be astonished at how lucrative the funeral industry is. Sure there are still small business funeral homes that are family owned and such, but many are a legacy business or a franchise style business. These more corporate style places want to make sure everyone is following policy, operating with integrity, and following the pricing guidelines and such set by the higher ups. Many people price shop end of life care and funeral costs, you're not being maliciously deceptive or hurting anyone and you're helping keep things honest and cohesive within the company.

Like you said, you can always pass over those that make you uncomfortable, but I think after doing a few others you'll find your groove and be more comfortable doing these types of phone shops.

Good luck!

2 years +2 Ali_shops 11
Done a shop for nothing

Hi Keziah,

I'm struggling to understand what you mean by your second sentence. Are you saying you have done a shop for the same company in the past and were never paid for that one in addition to the missed shop or that it was a two part shop or that you did the shop but became too ill to submit a report on time? I'm sorry, I just want to make sure I understand so I can potentially provide a helpful answer.

I'll try to take a stab at being helpful anyway. First, when anything at all happens that will prevent you from performing the shop or the report within the scheduled time make sure you reach out to the scheduler. Their information can be found in the shop description and in the messages you are sent confirming your acceptance. They will be able to reschedule you or tell you how to proceed. I'm not sure if they allow an extension on a report since they generally want it very fresh on your mind but it never hurts to ask! Second, unfortunately things do happen that there is no work around for and you end up being unassigned or missing an assignment. When this happens, you can again reach out to the scheduler to discuss your points. If you feel negative points were unwarranted you can request that they be reversed or altered but it is up to their discretion. You can find more information on this in the ISS Prep certifications tab on your homepage, I found it easier to navigate on the computer than on my phone.

In the mean time, just keep doing shops and submitting reports to earn points back. One negative incident will not ruin your mystery shopper career, keep your chin up!