1 year +1 Sariahhh 57
Fine dining dinner shop! Reservation required.

You don't actually make money off of these usually. You're supposed to see it as more of a discount as per this welcome video. Introduction to Mystery Shopping with iSecretShop - YouTube

1 year +1 Sariahhh 57
new and first shop tomorrow

I'm registered with over 10 companies and make about $2k a month including Field Inspection work. It helps if you live in/near a metropolitan area.

1 year +1 Sariahhh 57
AMA I've done over 80 shops for iSS and multiple other secret shopping companies.

Feel free to post your questions here and I'll answer as soon as I can. Let's start it off with a poll to encourage all the newcomers! How much have you made year to date? (You can find this information in the top left corner of the website homepage under your badges.)

1 year +3 Sariahhh 57
AMA I've done over 80 shops for iSS and multiple other secret shopping companies.

Immolatrix @ May 26, 2023, 11:31:50 PM
Where are you located, what other companies have you done shops for, and what are the best companies besides iSS to do shopping for?

I'm in Denver, Colorado. I work for over 13 different companies. It really depends on where you live but some of my favorites are working directly with Cirrus, Insight, IntelliShop, Bare International, Coyle, Market Force, and Best Mark. iSS is by far my favorite. I also do Field Inspections and Auditing through their sister company.

1 year (Edited 1 year) +2 Sariahhh 57
AMA I've done over 80 shops for iSS and multiple other secret shopping companies.

lkailiawa @ Jun 1, 2023, 5:18:46 PM
Aloha! Does anyone know how to get the education badge? What is ISS? I Secret Shop. I am interested in learning more how to get more of the high ticket items. What is the process?

Hey there! The education badge is awarded for completing a phone/web shop, usually for making inquiries to universities. iSS is isecretshop the company/website this forum is associated with. The high-ticket items are different depending on where you live and what-not the most I've gotten paid for a single shop that wasn't fine dining was $150 other than that I usually pick up shops for $35 to $85.

iSS is my favorite of the companies I work with too; they certainly have the most assignments in my area (Portland, OR) compared to all the other companies. I can be pretty assured of two monthly audits where you don't have to be secret or buy anything - apparently people don't like these! - so that works out well for me. What's the sister company through which you do audits and field inspections?

GCS Field Research

1 year 0 Sariahhh 57
How do I removed timestamps from photos?

Can you post the exact wording of the error you are getting? Also, sometimes you can submit it anyway.

1 year +2 Sariahhh 57
Real Personal Information: Phone, Address, Email?

Larimar @ Jun 5, 2023, 2:07:22 PM
How do you decide how much REAL personal information to provide? Especially circumstances when filling out a contact form.

Some things are obvious - for example, if I'm making an appointment and need a call back, obviously the phone number needs to work. But others?
  • Do you keep a separate email address just for this work?
  • If you are visiting business that you never plan to use - do you still provide real information?
  • If you do mystery shops at multiple locations of the same company, do you provide the same information each time?
  • Do you experience an increase in junk mail/sales calls when real information provided?
  • If being a local makes sense (and you are not), do you make up a local address?

Again, I'm interested in situation when it's part of the deal to fill out a contact form.

I'm thinking the separate email is a no brainer.

I would definitely set up a "work" email. And make it a normal unassuming email not something like ilovetroshop69@gmail lol. But that way you can still access it if needed. I only provide real info if I'm interested, or the shop specifies I should. I don't make addresses up I pull up google maps and find an apartment complex and use that address.

1 year 0 Sariahhh 57
1 year 0 Sariahhh 57
1 year 0 Sariahhh 57
Specialty badges

You don't receive points towards a badge for all shops, just specific ones. It sounds like you are getting points towards the service specialty badge though. I also have done fitness shops that counted toward that badge. You will still receive at least 1% towards your next level though.