1 month (Edited 1 month) +2 VAH 5
New shopper - Hello all!

Hi. I'm new to this but excited to start exploring my options. I have my first assignment for Thursday and am looking forward to being able to "play a part"! Like many people out there, any extra income is always a good thing. I'm curious if people are doing this mainly for the extra money or as a way to get out of the house and do something interesting?

1 month +1 VAH 5
After taking "Mystery Shopping Fundamentals"...

Beth_17043789539389 @ Feb 7, 2024, 3:22:29 PM
I do lots of apartment shops. Many of them ask for a narrative of the phone call. I downloaded "voice memos" to my iPhone. It allows me to record the recording. I can play it back, stop it when needed, and even rewind or fast forward.

I also go back to my car and dictate my experience into the notes section of my phone.

What a great idea! Thank you for this!

1 month 0 VAH 5
Storage Audits for Cirrus - Don't Do Them

This is good to know. I'm new at this and appreciate the heads-up!

1 month 0 VAH 5
Making up a complaint for a hotel visit

AZCross @ Mar 3, 2024, 6:58:22 PM
I normally do assisted living homes and apartments so some of the complaints I've used include:
  • Lighting being too bright/dark due to the direction the window is facing
  • Strong smells
  • Traffic noise
  • Proximity to the ice maker/trash/parking/pool/kitchen
  • Worn/dirty carpet
  • Water pressure
  • Noisy AC unit
  • Room size
  • ADA compliance with doors being too narrow
  • Bathroom size / Lack of hand rails / Loose Towel racks / Slippery floors
  • Dust

Some are fairly big complaints, some the hotel can't really do much about but as Jennifer said it's more just to see if they address the issue and try to overcome it or just tell you sorry our spot is just a terrible place.

These are some great ideas. Thank you for sharing!

1 month +5 VAH 5
Forum Contributor badge?

I'm a bit late to this thread, but I would really appreciate the thumbs up. I have done the same for all the older posts.