6 years 0 Patrick_15178940317986 74
No new clients

There is no reason to throw in the towel. There are many places to find jobs. MSPA America's is a reliable and trustworthy source of information and training.

6 years 0 Patrick_15178940317986 74
I've Finished Registration, Plsease What Next?!

MSPA should have a website for that part of the world. I'd look there.

6 years 0 Patrick_15178940317986 74

Has anyone been to Shopperfest? I'm just curious, I've been to other trade conventions and was wondering what everyone thinks about this one.

6 years +1 Patrick_15178940317986 74
Hey... new shopper here from Kansas City MO

Hi Amanda,

The ISS Prep Certifications can help get you started, boost your reputation and let the schedulers know you are making the effort

to learn more about this. There is a link at the top of the ISS Home page right next to refer a friend .