6 years 0 Patrick_15178940317986 74
Shop time of day/dates question

Bring it to their attention, they may not know it's confusing.

6 years 0 Patrick_15178940317986 74
Questions regarding using the app vs my laptop for shops

I finally got a phone shop for a funeral home. Just keep requesting, you'll get one eventually. I think if they see you are really wanting one (putting in a ton of requests) they will give you a shot.

6 years +1 Patrick_15178940317986 74
Hello from Sunny SoCal!

Hi Dan and welcome,

Best advice I can give is have fun on these assignments and follow all instructions. Feel free to ask questions here and with your schedulers.

6 years 0 Patrick_15178940317986 74
new shpper

Hello and welcome aboard!

6 years 0 Patrick_15178940317986 74
My first few shops

Been watching but I'm kinda on the outskirts of town so jobs are not as plentiful. I keep my eyes open though, something will come up. I also have expanded my horizons with other site. Got to keep my options open..

6 years +1 Patrick_15178940317986 74
Get paid to take photos of menus (Ontario)

I believe on those you are to look for all available menus and photograph the ones that are on display.

They want to know that the proper menus are being displayed in the proper manner.

I've not done any for this company but I've done similar ones with an app based mystery shopping company and that is

what they were looking for.

6 years 0 Patrick_15178940317986 74
Hello From the Great Northwest

Hello and welcome Doreen,

This is a very good site for us field agents and the forum is invaluable. As for other sites, I will not name any here but if you look on Facebook for mystery shopping you will find more resources. Also in the app store I found a couple good ones.

6 years +1 Patrick_15178940317986 74
Intouch Insight Schedulers

Not sure if I have had the pleasure but all the scheduler's I have talk with are very helpful, friendly and genuinely wish to help you anytime , with anything.

6 years +3 Patrick_15178940317986 74
Negative Points, How to make amends?

And there are PLENTY of MSP's out there. I just found a list of nearly 100 from a trustworthy source.

6 years +1 Patrick_15178940317986 74
New to the forum, not to mystery shopping.

LOL, you and everyone else.