After my first job...

6 years 0 Lisa_15211171227326 7

I submitted my first job a couple days ago, Sunday night. I had to spend $27 out of pocket, so I really want to make sure I get paid. Anyway, after I submitted the job, I can?t find details on it anywhere in the app. It?s as if I never did it. What is the process now? How do I know how long it takes to get reviewed/paid? I?m totallly at a loss.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

If the shop has not yet been approved, you will see on the "assigned shops" tab, below any currently assigned (but not yet completed) work. There will be a banner over it saying something like "assignments pending approval." If the shop has already been approved, check the "Payments" tab. It will list all the work you have completed and either the date you were paid or state that you have not yet been paid.

How long you must wait for payment depends on each company (not iSS). If you read the ICA from the particular company for whom you did the work, you should be able to figure it out. It is common to need to wait up to two months. Some companies are much faster and some are far slower.

6 years 0 Ivan 951

Hi Lisa,

Yes - MFJohnston explained where you can find your shop, depending on whether it was reviewed and approved already or not.

The length of the review process can vary greatly depending on the shop, MSP, and time of the month. Editors usually review shops within 48 hours, although it might take longer if there are a lot of shops to be reviewed, or of they are more complicated and take longer to review.

You can always contact the MSP that posted the shop to inquire about it's status and get info on how long approximately would it take to be approved (as well as when the payment will be made).


6 years +1 HeatherAnnie 54

Shops that are pending review will only show up on the website though, not the app. So don't worry, it hasn't disappeared, you just can't see it on the mobile app.

6 years +1 Lisa_15211171227326 7

Thanks for the replies. The job did get approved. :) I?m ok with waiting a bit for payment now that I know it?s going through.

6 years 0 Rose_15224701331891 2

When accepting a shop how do I know what to do or do I accept first before the details are given I would love to do this but really am at a loss and cant find details

6 years +1 MFJohnston 388

Generally, the "view details" button will give a good enough description to know whether or not the shop is something you want to do. Once you are assigned, you will get a more detailed set of guidelines. If you ned more information before applying for the shop, you can always email the scheduler.

6 years 0 Ivan 951

MFJohnston is spot on! :)

6 years +1 Norm 191

Sometimes the initial instructions and the shopper guidelines can vary slightly and be confusing. Once you get a shop be sure to read everything from top to bottom. And of course, follow up with the MSP. Think of the guidelines as a treasure map, there is gold in that there shop. You just have to wait for it. Ha. Happy shopping

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