Once you request an a assignment? Newbie

6 years 0 Amanda_15222366862483 1

I 'm a newbie what happens once you request an assignment?

6 years 0 Ivan 951

Hello Amanda,

When you submit a request for a shop for a specific date, the schedulers will review the requests, and if they choose to assign the shop to you, your request will be approved. You can keep track of all your requested shops on the Requests tab.

Once you have a shop assigned to you, you can always view it on the "Assigned Shops" page - there you can see all shops assigned to you, and can click "Complete Shop" on any of them to see the full shop information, the shop instructions, the questions, or/and fill out the shop report.

If you have any questions about a particular shop, you can always contact the MSP that posted it, and their schedulers/editors will be happy to help.

When you are done filling out the shop report - you click "Finalize Shop" to submit it - it will be reviewed to editors and either approved, or returned to you for additional information (if so, it will appear back in your "Assigned Shops" page).

After the shop is approved, you can communicate with the MSP regarding your payment for that shop.

I advise going to iSSprep.com and doing courses like "iSS 101" and "iSS 102" - these will not only provide you with additional knowledge, but will also grant you shopper points, boosting your rank rather quickly. You can also click the Forum button on iSecretShop to go to the forum and look up various subjects and connect with the shopper community.

I hope this answers your question!

6 years 0 Debbie_15221924388189 1

This is very helpful thanks!

6 years 0 Dawn_15212588682316 30

Ivan - if you take the class that costs $9.95, does that increase the number of shops you can do?


6 years +1 Ivan 951

Hi Dawn,

Passing the Mystery Shopping Fundamentals course would not directly increase the number of shops you can do, nor your chances of getting your requests approved, as it is not our attention to monetize on our shopper's ability to get shops. We believe that whether you choose to pay for such a course or not, you should have equal chances of getting and completing shops.

What it offers instead are 2 things:

First, and most importantly, it's there to give shoppers an introduction to (and an overview of) the fundamental concepts applicable to collecting business intelligence from the field, as it provides insights into the the Mystery Shopping concept, complements the knowledge gained in the iSS 101 test, and ultimately equips shoppers with the knowledge that can be helpful in understanding more about the industry itself.

It was designed as a way for the people at iSecretShop that have been in the industry for over a decade and worked with dozens of Mystery Shopping Providers, to share their knowledge and insights with shoppers who are really interested in fully understanding the entire concept, expanding their knowledge, and taking the "professional" approach to Mystery Shopping.

Secondly, completing it awards a one-time shopper points bonus, slightly larger that any other course on iSSprep, to serve as a bit of a "boost" to your shopper Reputation rank, and as a little reward for taking the time to complete the curse.

It is in no way a requirement for anything, nor promoted anywhere in particular, nor are the shoppers who take it favored over others - it's rather an optional "boost" to a shopper's knowledge, understanding of the industry itself, and their score, and can be handy for all shoppers that are eager to "dive into" the entire experience more and know more.

I hope this answers you question.


6 years (Edited 6 years) 0 Sanderia 2

?I requested a shop for today but it is not in my assigned shops.?Does that mean I was not approved to do it?

The shops I requested are not showing up in the requested tab.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

If it is not listed with your assigned shops, you have not been assigned the shop.

6 years 0 Sanderia 2

thank You. Is there a reason I would not be assigned an open shop? And do they notify you if you don?t qualify?

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

There are many reasons you might not be assigned a shop. Knowing nothing about either your or the particular assignment, I can only list possibilities.

* The MSC/client might be looking for somebody with a specific demographic profile.

* The MSC might prefer somebody who has completed more shops with them before granting a specific assignments.

* It could be that a dozen folks applied for the same shop and the MSC could only assign one person.

* A shopper could have a poor record with an MSC and, therefore, the MSC will choose not to offer the shopper additional work.

You are generally not notified if you are not assigned a shop. It is up to the shopper to track shops when they are assigned.

6 years 0 Dawn_15212588682316 30

Thank you for the information, Ivan.

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