Hello from Washington State

Katrina _15252313907289
6 years 0 Katrina _15252313907289 2


I am new to isecretshop although I have been mystery shopping for the past year and I love it! I work full time as a program manager but I have very flexible hours. Mystery shopping is fun, I enjoy the perks, I love writing and it is helping to pay the last year of my grad program!

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

Hi! I live in Seattle and work full time in Bellevue

6 years 0 SizemoreMommy 1

I am going to school as well. Not sure how much it would actually help pay towards school anyways but it is nice to have a little bit of spending money.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

You can get out of Mystery Shopping what you put into it. I work full time and just shop on the side. I have earned almost $9K this year (not including expenses for which I have been reimbursed.). I've been doing this for about two years and do put some effort into it. There are folks who make a modest living doing this full time.

6 years 0 CABZmom 10

MF, I know you are a FT teacher, HS math, right? But I can't imagine having the time and energy to 'put' that much effort into doing all that you do. But I guess that is why you are a teacher, and I would imagine a very good one, adapting quickly, uber organized, etc. I wish I had your focus and stamina. The video part makes a big difference though, I am sure. I may check out Ellis as you recommended previously.

Have a wonderful evening.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

The video shops do make a big difference as they pay much better than other shops and tend to have shorter (sometimes non-existent) write-ups.

I focus on higher paying shops, doing one or two most days after work. I also try to do a longer day route most days that I am not at school.

6 years 0 CABZmom 10

Did you find yourself slightly self-conscious at first, the invisible voice on the other side of the video equation? Or was it always a non-issue since you are comfortable before your student audience?

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

At first, I was more stressed about inadvertently unplugging my camera while stashing it in a pocket - and not finding out until after the shop.... And, yes, that has happened to me more than once. :(

6 years 0 FieldRep101 3

lol - unplugging the camera is one worry. I find that simply turning it on is a problem!

Unlike filming (I've worked in video production) it's not easy to see the camera 'on' light without being conspicuous.

Plus, you have to find a good time / place to turn it on. Too early, and you burn battery / storage. Too late, and again you run into people / attract attention.

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