Start shop

7 years 0 Adam_15021502915101 2

Hey guys i just joined and already got my first shop. I read all the requirements and scheduled for this wednesday. I have a few questions. Do i need to do the reviews at the store when im there? What does the "start shop" button mean? Once i finish shopping where do i enter the answers for the questions?. Thanks a lot in advance

7 years 0 Wassim 56

Hi Adam

Welcome and let the fun start.

Some MS companies allow you to start the report at the establishment you are evaluating, but MOST do not. You should ALWAYS play the part of a regular customer so that you will not sway the results of your experience at the establishment. You can imagine what will happen if I told you I am observing you and taking notes about how you perform.

So, the start button allows you to get into the report section. You would go to the establishment, act as a normal customer, observe and take mental notes as to what happened. Keep your memory in tact and sharp for details. Once you leave the establishment and you are 100% sure that no one from the establishment can see you, then you can transfer your memory onto paper or voice recording and once you are able to, write your report and submit it.

Also, there is a 2nd button that simply add the time and date of when you started your report AT the establishment you are visiting.

In my humble opinion, I will never advocate that you start the report at the establishment. First you need to be fully observant, and 2nd you might be caught with the report, and made out as a mystery shopper which is the kiss of death.

Best of luck, and go do your assignment... Oh shoot it was yesterday.

7 years 0 Ivan 951


Great advice Wassim! It is always recommended to focus on observing as much as you can during your visit, perhaps take small notes on your phone if that helps (it can be done relatively easily in an inconspicuous manner, so that it simply looks like you are texting or browsing the internet on your phone), and then fill out the report after your visit is done.

I'd like to add that it is not only smart, but actually required, that you go into your shop report prior to actually going to the location, to not only view the guidelines and instructions, but also to read the questions before doing the shop, so that you know what to pay attention to.

I hope this helps, and Adam, I wish you luck on your shops!

6 years (Edited 6 years) 0 Michael_14992998273570 21

As Ivan mentioned, You should always review the shop /audit beforehand so that you do not end up at home with information missing because it got missed..

But further to the point made by Wassim, the start button can be used if you are doing an audit. In this case, you identify yourself to the manager of the location. They are different then mystery shops, because you " out " yourself at the beginning of your visit with a permission letter showing the head office management authorization for you to be on the premises to validate information.

Then using a tablet or laptop you can complete the audit on line in real time , and not worry about transferring information later in the day. .

I have done these for convenience stores as well as gas stations and find them to provide a bit of change from the mystery shops.

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