Yet another Newbee with more questions

6 years +1 Natalie_15437093519541 4

Hello everyone! I just finished my first assignment and still have questions but no faq on the app. For instance ...If i had additional information or captured images or even video, how do I add those attachments without the option before finishing up and sending your report?

6 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 383

If they were optional,you could un-finalize your shop and add them.What do you mean by how do you add them?Are you looking for technical advice?And if so what kind of device did yiu use?

6 years 0 Ernest 1

Hi Natalie - If I'm understanding your question correctly, you are trying to add information - via attachment - to the report. You are trying to add information?that was not requested in the report. The company hiring you will specify in the assignment details?which attachments?(photos/video) are required. Additional information that you thought would be helpful, but was not specifically requested in the instructions,?does not need to be shared.

If you are required by the evaluation scenario to take these photos/video, then there should be a space within the survey for uploading attachments. If there is not a space, then you can either wait for the contracting company's editor or reviewer to contact you, or you can typically find a scheduler contact within the assignment event details and reach out regarding the best method for submitting them.

6 years (Edited 6 years) 0 Natalie_15437093519541 4

Gotcha. It would simply be easier to show a photo or video sometimes than trying to explain it and just didnt know at first if there was an extended part for additional information. Thank you for the explanation.

Btw, the reason I was asking is because I was to inspect a bathroom and one of the toilets was going crazy (repeatedly flushing and making strange sounds) and no, a picture/video wasn't required, just thought it might be helpful

6 years 0 priyanka_15449983284642 1

Hello ,

I am new on this platform . someone could please help me for phone base or web base assignments.

how to submit

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