Whats your record of shops and money in a day? I did 25 shops in a day last week driving over 600 km.
I did 32 in a day last month... The most money I've earned in a day is a bit over $900.
wow....those numbers are incredible....the coordination is also incredible....congrats!!!! Very impressive
O. K.?? I quit! There is absolutely no way I could do that many shops in one day. Besides the driving and phone calls that is a whole lot of reports to write. Kudos to both of you!
My back hurts just thinking about driving that much in one day. Ha Ha. But seriously...wow - that's a lot of shops in one day! Did you make #1 on the Leader Board?
32 shops in a day: these were all through MSC's not affiliated with iSS, so I would not have been on the leader board here for it... 31 of the 32 were fast food drive-thru shops that took a total of 10 minutes (including report) on average. I filled out the reports while in line waiting and just after finishing. They all had bonuses of $12-$15 on them. The 32nd shop was a big box electronics store that had a $20 bonus.
My $900 in a day was all video work, with very significant bonuses for travel.
Both were very long days.
The most I've seen someone do in a day was like 42 shops, if I recall correctly. This lady does price audit shops almost every week, so on a Saturday or Sunday morning, she gets in her car, visits a location, does 7 shops at that location all at once (finding the price of about 20-25 items per shop), gets back in her car, goes to another location, does 7 shops there, and so on. Spends about 40 minutes per location - she's very familiar with the layouts and locations of items, and has worked out her own system of marking prices and descriptions down quickly (uses Excel I believe), so her efficiency is remarkable.
She gets home in the afternoon, and by evening she has submitted all the reports. At $12 per shop, plus $5 reimbursement per shop, she makes quite a bit on them. Her high level Price Audit badge allows her to bypass the self-assign limit with those shops, and she knows what time each week they get published, so she pretty much makes it a weekly thing. I'm honestly impressed :)
But damn, even that doesn't add up to $900 in a day! :)