New to SS

5 years 0 Star_15531863448528 3

Hi My name is Star. I've shopped for about 1 year. I find SS the best because you can find shops in 1 ap instead of having to look at several individuals companies pages. 1 question, where do you find your badges? how do you increase your badges? What are the purpose of vadges? txs

5 years +1 Didnt_you_get_hacked 7


We don't need do steenkin badges.

5 years +1 Tara_NJ 178

Hi Star, you can find your badges received as well as obtainable badges if you click on the badge icons on the main page on the iSS website or app underneath the welcome logo. Increasing your badge levels helps MSP companies see your experience with certain types of shops and your success and reliability and much more. As you successfully complete shops, tour reputation badge increases and eventually you will be able to self assign more shops.

5 years 0 Marilyn_15415507278779 2

Hi I’m new. First shop today. Think this is “a good thing”

5 years 0 Tara_NJ 178

Good luck Marilyn!

5 years 0 LINDA_14996614317791 182

Welcome aboard, Marilyn.

5 years 0 Marilyn_15415507278779 2

Thanks for you good wishes and support everyone.

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