360 payment

5 years +1 SethB 45

After your shop is accepted, it is reviewed by people that work for the MSP and the client. This can take some time. Also, some time is needed time for payment processing.

5 years +1 Shawn_15758077998454 1

How long will it be before I get paid

4 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 383

II think it is a regular time each month. I just got paid.

4 years 0 SethB 45

After a shop is approved. It still needs to be looked at by a variety of people before payment is made. The Mystery Shop Provider sends it to the client and, if the client has any questions, it can still be sent back to the shopper for updates. It can take some time for the report to get the final OK for payment. Also, most MSP's state "within" X amount of days. They usually have a payment calendar. Twice a month or whatever they choose.

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