Hi there!

4 years +1 azlilis 3

I've been on iSS for a few months, but I just really started shopping with them. I started shopping because I had been on the receiving end of so many shops in my life, from a crew member to management, and know first hand how a vaguely worded narrative can be the difference between coming up with a working solution or a poor solution. The only thing that mattered to corporate was that something was done, and there were times it cost people their jobs.

I have only been shopping for about 6 months or so, but I've been enjoying it enough that I want to try and make a business out of it!

I look forward to working with you all!

4 years 0 Ivan 951

It's great to have you with us!

Happy holidays!

4 years 0 Jeff_15503466702049 18

I started a few months ago, and have enjoyed the experience....good luck and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.........

4 years 0 Colette 7

Happy New Year and Welcome

4 years 0 SethB 45

Welcome and Happy New Year!

4 years 0 LINDA_14996614317791 184

Good to see that you have such a positive attitude. Have fun shopping!

4 years +1 Tara_NJ 178

Welcome aboard and if you have any questions or concerns let us know! Hope all is well!

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