I had a chuckle today when I requested a series of restaurant phone shops to evaluate customer service but was denied all of them because ?Shopper and Guest must be between the ages of 21 - 40?. Apparently us old geezers in our forties are too dang old to give customer service feedback and dine out in Ohio
Yes they have that for Aeipostale and Eureka.I think for the latter is to get shoppers who aren't obviously over 21 because of alcohol purchase requirements.
Thats pretty funny!
You are not alone, I too have been declined because I am over 21.? :-)
This is pretty common... The restaurant targets folks in their 20's and 30's, so they want feedback directly from folks in the same age bracket.
Yeah I hate the age restrictions sometimes!
My favorite age restriction of an MSC gives the range as 18-98.
Back in the spring, I saw a email posting a motorcycle shop to evaluate the salesman and pretend to be interested in purchasing a certain bike. It stated that you had to be 21-65 years old. It was also 40 miles away. It stayed on the board all summer. I got several personal invites but I didn't reply because it was a long way and the pay was minimal, and not to mention I do not look like a biker. I'm a 66-year-old, overweight woman and do not look the part in any way. Lo and behold, I get a phone call begging that I do it for the assigner. I REALLY did not want to take the assignment and told her that the $15 would not even cover my gas and that I had to go through the busy tunnel, which sometimes takes several hours coming and going. I told her I couldn't do it for less than $125! She thanked me and hung up. Nobody would take me up on that, right?! She didn't miss a beat, I was sitting at my computer and she emailed me straight away with another invite to take the job with these corrections. It read that the job was for 18-66 year olds and the pay was bonused to $125, plus tolls and an added citation.
My contact person randomly happened to be a gentleman a bit older than me. The shop went smoothly and he gave his pitch perfectly. He called after to follow up and invited me to a end of the year GALA where they would display the new models and sell the floor models at a discount. I told him I would consider it knowing that I wasn't going. He went on to tell me that he would sponsor me in the contests they were going to have. He mentioned there would be 3 contests. He's talking fast now and describes the last one as a wash your bike contest...did I mention these are bikini contests? So, 225 pounds and 66 years old and I've been invited to participate in a bikini contest! He has seen me and wants to pay for me to be in these contests in a bikini!!! I have never laughed so hard in my life. My husband thought it was a hoot when I told him and said "You're going to do it aren't you?" Holy cow!! I laughed all week.
WOW Betrice, what a story!!! At least it worked out in the end :)
SSo did you participate in the bikini contest?