Can I sign up to more than one Secret Shopper companies listed?

5 years (Edited 5 years) +1 Jane_15803354331230 1

Hello, (waving)

I just signed up and signed up with one provider that is based out of Canada. I am wondering if I can sign up with other Secret Shoppers companies that are based out-of-country. Do they have assignments in the country/city that I live in?

5 years +1 MFJohnston 388

You can sign up with as many companies as you want. I am with well over 100. The only way to know if a company will have work in any particular area is to simply sign up. Yes, U.S. companies frequently have work in Canada - and vice versa.

5 years +1 StevenB 20

I believe so, I'm UK based but I'm not aware of any other companies having visits over here sadly :(

5 years +1 Michael_15781387494868 12

Only service measure on here for the UK at the moment.

5 years +1 MFJohnston 388

There are other companies that work in the UK - though they may not use the iSS platform. Coyle Hospitality has very high end hotels and restaurants worldwide. It definitely serves the UK. I know I've seen other shops there, but simply don't remember which companies.

5 years +1 StevenB 20

Apologies, yes I meant of the companies using this platform!

5 years (Edited 5 years) 0 Michele_15032031952719 383

Yes you can.

Yes you can.

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