Question about a conflict.

Katherine _15796492238976
5 years +1 Katherine _15796492238976 2

Hi, I am wondering if anyone can help me with an issue I'm having with one of the companies. They have been rejecting my shops for no sensible reason, essentially no matter how much I write they come back with "not enough detail, not enough detail." My answers to their questions are accurate and much longer than the requested length. This has happened twice with the same MSP now. I have a good shopper score overall and have good relationships with all the other companies I've worked with. I think this one company is just taking advantage of the lack of recourse we have in this situation. Does anyone have any recourse for this?

5 years +3 MFJohnston 388

If a company rejects your shop, they cannot sell it to the client and must find somebody else to perform it. In other words, they don't make money with rejected shops.

Have you responded to the editor with a more directed question, such as: "What types of details do you need? I'm happy to add them in, but don't know what you are asking for." If you truly believe that your shop is complete and correct, you can generally go up the chain with the MSC and get to the project manager. S/he will have the authority to override the editor - or be able to provide you with the clarity you need.

5 years 0 LINDA_14996614317791 184

I would ask the editor the more direct, specific question that MF Johnston suggests.

4 years 0 Mike_15919984146677 8

Is your device not capturing what are you write down by chance

4 years 0 Ivan 951

I agree with MFJohnston - ask for what specific information they want, or even an example of what kind of answer/description are they looking for.

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