PRO tips, for those who want to be the best shoppers!

5 years 0 Remarker 6

Thank you for the tips!

I am on a smartphone and I can't scroll beyond page 1 but lots of info there.

Will try on desktop at the library

4 years 0 Maryruth 4

Great guidline! Thank you!

Kristine _15967985681226
4 years 0 Kristine _15967985681226 2

Great advise Ivan! Appreciate all your pro tips!

4 years 0 Ivan 951

You're welcome!

4 years 0 JeanDenis 1

How do I register my minor kid?

4 years 0 Ivan 951


The profiles of "associated minors" - children (of a certain age) of registered shoppers - are created by their parents, and connected to their parent's account - this is done by clicking on the Associated Minors link on the left side of the homepage on

If you're interested in finding out more about this system, I suggest contacting Intouch Insight, as they are the only MSP that is currently utilizing that system (to my knowledge), and I believe it's only in Canada, but I could be wrong.


3 years 0 JoyBerg 3

Thanks for sharing these tips!

3 years 0 May_16285513233318 5

HHello! I can't seem to view the guideline... Where do I find it? Thank you

1 year 0 Toni_17012915055378 1

So excited to be apart of something completely different than what?s of the ?NORM? I?m staying optimistic and will continue to find what works for me!

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