Newbie saying Hello,

Poll: Letter of Authorization: How difficult have you found to produce a letter of authorization to do your assignment in any particular shop? And you have contacted support equating an LOA in order to proceed an received no response

Select 1 answer:

0 Absolutely
0 Were you asked to leave the premises and asked not to return without the LOA?
0 Yes
0 No
0 Does not apply to me
0 Doe you believe even a generic LOA should be provided for EVERY JOB WHERE WE HAVE TO IDENTIFY OURSELVES as evaluators inside their establishment?
0 No, it?s not necessary for every job
0 Other, explain:
4 years 0 Shelly_15988194635781 2

Hello Gang,

My name is Shelly, I?m in the Iowa City, Iowa area (Go Hawks) a college town, home the University of Iowa and the world renowned Hospital and Clinics. They just finished the Huge addition to the UI Children?s Hospital. I?ve had a neice and a great nephew born and had their life saved along with their mother?s lives. So I?m very grateful for their service!

Anyway I?ve been doing mystery shops now in various forms for numerous vendors online for about 10 years but this is my first with this organization. I?m excited to be here. Any tips of the trade anyone wants to clue me in on I?d be happy to take in the advise... and would return any of my knowledge of the business in trade! So, I look forward to getting to meet some of you here! Good luck and stay SAFE OUT THERE!

~~ Best Wishes,

Shelly McV

4 years 0 Ivan 951

Hi Shelly, and welcome!

You can find some useful tips on the following thread:

Good luck with your shopping endeavors!

Reading this thread: