Fatherly banker

7 years +1 Edith 8

It was one of my first shops with my partner: a bar integrity shop. So, we leave the building and as we are walking to the car he says loudly something like, "That shop went well!" just as we are walking past an employee that looked like she was putting a case of liquor into the trunk of a car. I'm guessing that she either did not hear him or had no idea what it meant.

New rule: we don't talk about the shop until we are in the car with the doors closed.

7 years 0 Ivan 951

Lol, that is a good rule! One can never be too careful when it comes to that. :)

7 years 0 Lorelei 2

Say that you need the info to refer back to later in case you forget what he told you.

7 years 0 HeatherAnnie 54

I was doing a restaurant shop that required a guest. My roommate sits down and says "so what do I have to order for this one??" too loudly. I kicked him so hard in the shins! Luckily no one was around us, but still, it stressed me out.

7 years 0 Ivan 951

Haha! Thanks for sharing!

7 years 0 Steve_15172679326373 7

Thanks for sharing some of those like the Banker and Brownie were really funny. I like forums where they make you laugh out loud!

6 years 0 Norm 191

I shopped a bank once and I got the $.50 treatment. That's $.50, but at least I got the information out of all the nonsense. Funny moment for the forim to laugh. I am as I remembering that talkative banker.

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