Number app??

4 years 0 Linda_Belcher 2

Hi all,

Im new and have a question. I am taking the iss courses, but I requested 1 assignment on Monday. I noticed many of the phone assignments seem to need local area codes. I have heard of apps that change your number to different are codes before, but I have not used any myself.

Does anyone use apps to alter phone numbers prior to completing jobs?

If so what do you use?

Thanks all

4 years +1 Ivan 951

Hi Linda,

If the shops have specific area code requirements, using an app to alter your number/area code can (and I'd say it's likely to) result in a decline, and possibly a restriction from performing those shops again. In addition, if the shops are the "recorded phone call" kind, the iSecretShop platform uses an integrated recording system, so a third-party app would probably not even work.

My suggestion would be to reach out to the Mystery Shopping Provider that posts those shops, and ask if you could get them despite not being in the required area code. If their schedulers agree, great, if not, you can look up other shops.


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