Seeking Advice

Nadia _16129875995233
4 years 0 Nadia _16129875995233 1

Hello Everyone

I am new to both secret shopping and this website. i would appreciate any tips that would help in being a great secret shopper, and also in locating shops that are a great fit for my interest. Anything that you would have done differently or just wished you had known when starting out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

4 years +2 Carmen_15221132209237 8

1-One has to master time management.

2-take extra pictures

3-read the instructions again before start jobs.

4-keep receipts

5-make sure you charge your phone or have extra battery.

6-reliable transportation is a must.

7-dress the part.

4 years +1 Todd_16047448261872 7
  1. @Caremen is right about time management. Don't worry, the second time you do a certain type of shop will take HALF the time the first one did.
  2. Even with extra pictures you will eventually submit a job and discover after you left the site you are short a picture. Don't freak out, contact the scheduler and see if they will accept a picture you go back for. Schedulers/Editors are human too, be nice to them and they will work with you where they can.
  3. Then read them a third time!
  4. Staples, labels, and folders can be your friends.
  5. Have a recharging power bank and keep it charged.
  6. Having your own car is not a 100% MUST, but you will have a lot of issues if you don't.
  7. Dress up or down as needed, yes!
4 years +1 Ivan 951

That's some good advice! You can find more here:

3 years +1 Martin_Canada 125

#1 tip from me is read the instructions carefully! Even if you done the shop before, they requirement can change.

3 years +1 MFJohnston 388

Hi Nadia -

I'll add:

* Your time management will improve greatly if you take the same shops (or very similar shops) repeatedly.

* If you first shops are interactions with which you are familiar, you'll get into the "mystery shopping" thing more smoothly. (i.e. Don't do a casino shop at first if you've never been to a casino!)

* If you don't understand the guidelines, ask. It's better to ask questions up front and do a shop correctly than to "guess" and do it wrong.

* If you are looking for more shops that fit your interests, recognize the ISS only advertises a small fraction of what is available.

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